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Thrustmaster T-248 -rattiohjain, PS4 / PS5 / PC

Arvosana 4.2/5 perustuen 5 arvosteluun

Thrustmaster T248 on suunniteltu kaikille pelaajille, jotka haluavat suorituskykyä sekä mahtavan ajokokemuksen. Siinä on uusi Hybrid Drive, joka takaa erinomaisen ajokokemuksen sekä paremman Force Feedbackin

  • PS4 / PS5 / PC
  • Force Feedback
  • 25 toimintopainiketta
Hinta 299.99€.

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Too expensive for what you get
Arvosana 3/5

TL:DR: force feedback is not very good, wheel rattles and clunks like lower tier Logitech G29, gear shifters are extremely loud, "25 buttons" is misleading, pedals are great

Thrustmaster states this product uses a hybrid drive to deliver 70% more power than the TMX model. While this may be true, in reality, you'll be turning down the FFB to reduce the noise. I found the FFB to be very unpleasant, but that's after having used a better system. The TMX model has a much nicer, quiter FFB system and it was 130€ cheaper. The T300RS model, which has "huippuluokan tekniikkaa," is far superior and was listed for 80€ less. Having to turn down the FFB means that you feel much less of the road texture. At least this was my experience in F1 2021.

Thrustmaster claims there are 25 buttons on the product. I think this is only true if you count the pedals as buttons and the D-Pad as 4 buttons, which it actually is. Regardless, not all buttons are programmable as they are dedicated to wheel functions like adjusting FFB preset and the display of the wheel. The display, in my opinion, is not very useful, as I get all the same info from the screen, which is what I'm looking at anyway.

The gear shifter paddles are very loud and make an unpleasant clacking sound. They are made of plastic. Otherwise they are fine, but note that cheaper wheels from both Thrustmaster and Logitech typically have metal shifters with a very satisfying clicking sound.

The pedals are the absolute best you can get with an entry-level and possibly mid-tier product. The difference in precision, due to magnetic sensors, is immediately noticeable. Even more importantly, the brake pedal resistance is very strong, which means that it is easier to train your brain to apply the correct amount of force for better braking performance. This resistance is adjustable to 4 different levels. 1 being the weakest and 4 the strongest, out of the box it is set to 2. Already, at this level you need to find some way to keep the pedals from slipping on the floor or pushing you away if you have wheels on your chair. I use the rubbery stuff you put under carpets and it helps, but it's not a perfect solution. The higher resistance levels definitely require mounting to a rigid structure to be usable.

Overall, the T248 is unpleasant to use. The pedals are the only saving grace of this product, but still does not justify the 380€ price tag. The T3PM pedals are listed for about 130€ from Thrustmaster.

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