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LG 55QNED86 55" 4K QNED Mini-LED TV (2022)
LG 55QNED86 55" 4K QNED Mini-LED TV (2022)

LG QNED MiniLED edustaa LCD-televisioiden uuden aikakauden alkua.55-tuuman QNED86 mallissa on teräväpiirtokanavia tukevat DVB-T2, DVB-C HD ja DVB-S2 -digivirittimet, sekä CI+-liitäntä maksu-tv-kanaville

  • QNED MiniLED 4K
  • α7 Gen 5 -älyprosessori 4K
  • Quantum NanoCell Color Technology
  • 120 Hz paneeli ja HDMI 2.1
  • Dolby Atmos ja Vision IQ
LG 55QNED86 55" 4K QNED Mini-LED TV (2022)


Arvosana 4.5/5 perustuen 35 arvosteluun
  • 12%
  • 20%
  • 35%
  • 431%
  • 560%
  • Kuvanlaatu
    Arvosana 4.6/5
  • Ominaisuudet
    Arvosana 4.3/5
  • Käyttömukavuus
    Arvosana 3.9/5

35 tuotearvostelua, sivu 1 / 2

  1. Arvosana 5/5

    Perfect upgrade

    Awesome good bargain 😁 love watching those 4k movies now

    CcostaArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla
  2. Arvosana 5/5

    Good TV for the price

    I needed a new TV for a very sunny bright south facing conservatory. As a owner of a LG OLED TV in the living room I considered another OLED TV. Taking advice from the LG consultant at a large department store I was advised the OLED TV may struggle in the very bright conditions. Having used the QNED model he recommended for a few weeks it has proved to be a very good TV for the price and I'm glad I took the LG consultants advice. The picture is nearly as good as an older OLED TV and the software upgrade give a very suer friendly experience and it comes with Dolby Vision and Atmos sound with the choice to let the TV auto select the best picture performance. Worth taking a look at this LG TV if you have a very bright viewing area.

    bjn1158Arvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla
  3. Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 5/5

    LG laatua ja vastinetta rahalle

    Kuva on terävä ja musta on mustaa. Erityisesti pidän LG kaukosäätimen ominaisuudesta, joka toimii ”osoitushiirenä”. Liitäntöjä on tarpeeksi omiin tarpeisiin. Ostin tuotteen mökille televisioksi. Virrankulutus on sopivan pieni, kun käyttää aurinkopaneeleita. 120Hz näyttöä arvostan, kun on tarkoitus käyttää myös pelinäyttönä.

  4. Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 4/5


    Hyvä moneen tarkoitukseen sopiva televisio. Elokuvat näyttää hyvälle. Urheilun kanssa toimii hyvin. Ominaisuudet toimii jouhevasti. Paitsi EPG on hieman kankea mutta niin se on ollut aikasemmassakin televisiossa.

  5. Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 5/5

    Tsaukkis 😄😄

    Aivan mahtava telkkari, kuvan laatu on aivan uskomaton ja Ps5 konsolilla kun pelaan niin grafiikka ihan silmiä hivelevää laatua. 120hz toimii hemmetin hyvin. Suosittelen TODELLAKIN TÄTÄ TUOTTETTA 😄😄👍👍

  6. Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 4/5


    Käyttö vaati hieman opettelua, kuva on hyvä, värit hyvät varsinkin musta on todella musta.

    Kauko65 tai yli
  7. Arvosana 5/5


    good all round TV sports/film/games lots of good features

    jim mArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla
  8. Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 5/5

    Kirkasta ja laadukasta kuvaa

    Mini-Led tekniikka valikoitui varsin valoisaan paikkaan, eikä ole tuottanut pettymystä. Valovoima on valtava ja kuvan kirkkautta on voinut säätää oletusasetuksista alemmaksi. Kirkkaallakin asetuksella mustan laatu ei kärsi, eli musta on mustaa, kiitos mini-Led tekniikan.

    FHD materiaalin skaalaus toimii hyvin ja kuvanlaatu on siis hyvä TV lähetyksiä katsottaessakin.

    Magic remoten käyttö on miellyttävää ja käyttöliittymä on erittäin sujuva ja helppokäyttöinen.

    WebOS ei tarjoa yhtä laajaa sovellusvalikoimaa kuin Android, mutta kaikki oleellinen tuntuu löytyvän tästäkin, muuten kyllä ominaisuuksienkin osalta olisi 5 tähteä.

  9. Arvosana 1/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 1/5

    Mainoksia! Koko ajan ja joka paikassa!

    Tämä televisio puskee ruudulle mainoksia. Kokoa ajan. Ei riitä että niitä on käyttöliittymässä, vaan niitä tulee popup-ikkunoina live-tv:tä katsottaessa ja elokuvaa ukoiselta HDMI:llä kytketyltä laitteelta toistettaessa. Ei varsinaisesti paranna elokuvaelämystä kun yhtäkkiä lävähtää mainos ruutuun kesken leffan. Jouduin poistamaan TV:n asetuksista nettiyhteyden kokonaan, joten toivottavasti mainokset lakkaavat siihen kun se ei niitä enää mistään pysty lataamaan. Älä osta tätä televisiota jos et rakasta mainoksia.

    Vihaan mainoksia35–44v
  10. Arvosana 3/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 3/5

    Vaikuttaa kelvolta

    Tilasin kyseisen näytön kokeilumielissä, ja kokeilu on viellä käynnissä, mutta alkuun voin sanoa että en välttämättä muutenkaan kuulu kohderyhmään.

    Käyttötarkoitukseni on PC ja Elokuva pohjainen, ja näiltä osin voisin tämän mahdollisesti suositella, kunhan katsot että asetukset osuvat kohdilleen.

    "Out-of-box" kokemus ei ollut maailman paras, mutta myönnettäköön, en ole lukenut ohjekirjaa, jossa kyseiset ongelmakohdat on mitä luultavimminkin selitetty tarkkaan.

    Ongelmat lyhyesti;

    1.) Tietokoneen kuva on epätarkka:

    a.) Kun yhdistät tämän paneelin tietokoneeseen, valitse tietokoneen näytönohjaimmen asetuksista resoluutioksi 3840x2160, eikä 4096x2160.
    b.) Tietokonetta käyttäessä, valitse resoluutio näytönohjaimmen ohjauspaneelin "PC" resoluutio valikosta, etkä "Ultra HD, HD, SD" valikosta.
    c.) Varmista että kuvan skaalaus on näytönohjaimmen asetuksien kautta "Ei Skaalausta" asetuksella, ja että skaalauksen tekee itse näyttö, eikä näytönohjain.

    2.) Valo vuotaa reippaasti yli kohdealueen:

    a.) Käy asetukset läpi ja kohdista ne itsellesi ensin näytön omista asetuksista, sen jälkeen tarkista yhdistetyn laitteen käyttöjärjestelmän HDR asetukset.

    3.) Näytön minimi ja maksimi luminanssi ei ole mitä pitäisi:

    a.) Resetoi, tai muutoin tarkista paneelin asetuksien kautta, mikä asetus on mennyt päälle.
    b.) Calibroi laitteen käyttöjärjestelmän kautta HDR uudelleen.

    Kun näytön asetukset ovat kohdillaan, kuvanlaatu on jo paljon lähempänä OLED näyttöä kuin LED näyttöä.

    Niin mustat kuin kirkkaat kohdat, väreistä puhumattakaan.

    Seuraava kohde tosin on hinta/laatu suhde, ja tässä onkin sitten jo hieman mietittävää;

    Voit ostaa samankokoisen QD-OLED näytön 10-30% korkeammalla hinnalla, mutta paremmalla kuvanlaadulla peruskäyttöön. (QD-OLED ei itselläni soveltunut tietokoneen käyttöön 55" tuuman koossa, johtuen siitä miten pikselit on näyttöön ajettu, johtaen epätarkkaan tekstiin)

    Ja jos jonkin verran jaksaa odottaa, hinnat tulevat 2023 laskemaan huomattavasti, joten tämänhetkistä hintaa (1000€ alennuksessa, 1200€ OVH) ei välttämättä kannata lähteä maksamaaan.

    Toisin sanoen, annan arvosanaksi 3/5, vaikkakin tuotteen periaate on 4/5. Hieman hiomista tuote- ja markkinointipuolelta, mutta kyllä se siitä sitten lähtee.

  11. Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 5/5
    Arvosana 4/5

    LG 55QNED86 mini-led televisio

    Vertailussa oli Sonyn 55" X89K led televisio ja tämä LG televisio voitti Sonyn mennen tullen, varsinkin kuvanlaadussa. Minulla antennitalous ja hd-kanavissa ei Sonyssa sanomista, mutta muuten kyllä. Tämä LG on kaikilta ominaisuuksiltaan juuri sellainen kuin halusin ja rahalle saa vastinetta.

  12. Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 4/5
    Arvosana 4/5


    Todella hyvä kuva. Mustat pääosin täydelliset. Sitten, kun eivät ole, ovat hetken todella päin sitä. Noin 90 prosenttisesti ainakin itsellä täydelliset. Taustavalo ratkaisu on se mikä tuottaa KAIKISSA näissä paneelissa hiukan DSE. Lohdutuksen sana sinulle joka vaivannut siitä ja etsit sitä. Silmäsi ei alunperinkään tykkää heiluvasta liikkeestä. Eli täydellisen paneelin heiluva liike ei ole sitä mitä silmäsi haluavat, vaikka oisi miten puhdasta kuvaa. TV tarvii hiukan valoa kuvaan ja kaikki hyvin. Muuten saattaa näyttää kohde radioaktiiviselta. Niin tai näin asiat ovat kunnossa todella hyvin. 4/5

  13. Arvosana 5/5

    Great TV

    Bright and clear. Sound is clear and really enhances my older media very well. Worthwhile investment and went straight onto my wall

    JoashArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla
  14. Arvosana 5/5

    Excellent Picture for TV, Movies, Sport and Gaming

    This is an exceptional TV with great software, easy navigation and crystal clear picture quality whether you are watching standard programs, action movies with vivid colours, live sport or gaming. Lesser TVs are not good for live football as the ball tends to ghost when kicked long. Not with this TV - crystal clear picture throughout and a much better user experience. The remote control is a great design without too many unnecessary buttons and very easy to use. Setting up the TV was also very straightforward and we were up and running within 10 minutes. Only negative was the VESA bracket fitting. Never had this issue before but it took 3 different brackets before one fit. The first two were the right size but didn't quite like up with the screw holes. The power cable was very close to one of the holes which seemed like a design issue. Overall would highly recommend this TV to anyone looking for a 55 inch model.

    SABSArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla
  15. Arvosana 4/5

    Increíble imagen y sonido

    Aunque llevo solo un par de días con ella estoy super contenta con mi compra la calidad de imagen y sonido es alucinante y me gusta mucho el diseño y lo fácil que es de usar su mando y interfaz.

    necita1874Arvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla
  16. Arvosana 5/5

    Superior Build quality

    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] From the unboxing, right through to installing the unit onto our freshly prepared wall, this was a pleasure. the tv felt solid and well built, the materials used are high end feel and look amazing.

    setup was so straight forward with the very ergonomic and intuitive remote control and amazing GUI.

    Once the tv was setup and connected to our various streaming and content sources, the real testing began.

    I started with some nature programs and just wow, the detail, and colours were epic, not to mention the blacks were soo deep.

    then came the music videos to test the inbuilt speakers and response time of the display panel, and yes it delivered. the inbuilt speakers were warm and punchy and the case size definitely helps with sound quality.

    all in all, and amazing tv

    AnonyymiM, 35–44vArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla The Insiders
  17. Arvosana 5/5

    What’s not to like - superb

    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] After returning from holiday I couldn’t wait to get my new TV out of the box and set it up. Setting up the TV was straightforward and didn’t cause me any technical nightmares.

    I pulled it out of the box with help, and fixed the stand to the base very easily. The TV was easy to tune and linking the sound bar was a piece of cake. I was really surprised at how the remote control for the TV doubles up as the remote for the sound bar. Everything connected seamlessly. Picture quality is exceptional particularly when in HD and ultra HD modes. The sound bar produces exceptional sound quality and feels like it immerses you in the film, sporting event, drama, etc., that you are watching. I connected my TV directly to the Internet with an ethernet cable and also linked it wirelessly to my broadband as a backup. Using the mirroring function with my portable devices and smartphone allows me to stream media content directly to the tv. This process is so simple and effective. There is nothing not to like about this TV and sound bar combination. However, I was surprised that the energy rating is much higher than my current LG nano cell TV which I purchased over two years ago. Putting that aside this TV / sound system will give me hours of superlative entertainment and I look forward to exploring all of its features over time.

    MRSMDM, 55–64vArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla The Insiders
  18. Arvosana 5/5

    Beautiful Tech

    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] First , the TV arrives very-well packaged and benefits from two people to remove it from the box. This also means there is a lot of packaging to dispose of, but it's all cardboard so is recyclable.

    The TV is surprising light in weight so easy to move and is attached to its stand with a sturdy screwed connection bracket. the stand is a bit wobbly because of the overhang of the screen but stable once in position.

    Setup and connection is easy, no cables apart from power are supplied, TV is up and running within a few minutes, the only delay is to set up an LG account and revalidate all the other TV apps.

    The TV itself has a very low profile and quickly blends in despite its size and looks very smart.

    Performance is great, tremendous detail especially at higher resolution with a number of options to suit viewing tastes, the tuner for aerial TV is much better than the one in the STB which we have. All the apps I need are there and streaming via the Wi-Fi connection has no problems.

    Sound is also good despite the size of the speakers and is improved further with the sound bar which I have also now installed.

    The remote is neat with an innovative scroll wheel and pointer which can be used alongside the traditional buttons.

    GDRM, 55–64vArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla The Insiders
  19. Arvosana 5/5

    Amazing TV and excellent quality build

    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have been using this TV religiously for the last 2 weeks. This TV is excellent in all respects and far exceeded my expectations in terms of both picture and sound quality.

    The 4K,120Hz display is an absolute gem. The quality of the picture is true to life and the picture is nothing short of crystal clear. I have watched a few 4K movies and the effect makes you feel as if you are really there within it and part of the action. It takes watching films to a completely different level. Watching even normal TV with HD on makes an incredible difference. You can see significantly more in terms of the detail and the rich colours, blacks and contrast are exactly as they should be. I love the sports on TV whether it is football, cricket or F1. It is much more engaging due to the sharp detail and clarity of the display.

    I have to say that the sound quality of the TV is also much better than I expected. The sound also includes Dolby atmos but without the need for additional speakers, which is a huge bonus if space is at a premium.

    It was very quick to set up and very sturdy on it's stand. A simple connection to your Wi-Fi is all that is required and your off. I have it connected to Sky HD and Disney+ and was very straightforward to do so. There are a multitude of different settings that can be adjusted to get this set up exactly as you wish.

    I really do recommend this TV for it's build quality, display, sound and multi functional remote. The entire package is flawless and really one you will appreciate.

    Bob788M, 45–54vArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla The Insiders
  20. Arvosana 4/5

    Great TV, but would benefit from a studier stand

    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This TV was super simple to set up, although needed two people to manouevre it into position. I don't plan to wall mount this, and I feel that the stand that comes with it is pretty flimsy considering the cost of the TV.

    Picture-wise, the screen produces really clear pictures and the colours are really well defined. In additon, there are vaious options to enhance or tone down the colours, dependent on your preference.

    Again, the sound it really good and can be adjusted, dependent on the type of programme you're watching.

    The remote control is super simple to use, and even my 4 year old could use it without being told what to do, whcih means I get to watch a lot of Pokemon in HD (lucky me)!!

    MonkeygamblerN, 35–44vArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla The Insiders
  21. Arvosana 5/5


    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love this tv! I decided to wall mount it so glad I did it saves so much room. The TV itself was very easy to use all cable ports were easy to find as they were labelled clearly so i could plug everything in, in no time at all. Once all plugged in the actual set up was nice and simple and didn't take long at all. The apps I use was the easiest to set up on any modern TV I have had they all came up as a QR code to log in through my phone. The sound through the tv was as expected but does have different settings. Picture quality is amazing best I've seen and so bright, you can also change the screen settings depending on what you are watching.

    AnonyymiN, 25–34vArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla The Insiders
  22. Arvosana 4/5

    Decent TV but!

    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] TV was relatively easy to set up, however the screen shows a lot of white spots and fade around the edge of the panel when not displaying an image which is not great at the this price point. Also the O/S is slow which appears to be a problem across the range. Also the LG thinQ app refuses to connect and the Alexa and Google integration is a little hit and miss. But as a screen the picture is sharp and clear and when fed with a 4K Image it is very impressive. It supports all the major streaming apps in clouding Apple TV and Apple Music natively so airplay is native which is a bonus, Spotify, Amazon, Netflix and disney* are all supported which is great.

    MaclandUKM, 45–54vArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla The Insiders
  23. Arvosana 3/5


    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] It’s a very nice television with super clear graphics. The sound quality is very good! The television takes up a lot of room so be prepared for its size. Connecting it all together was fairly straight forward and I was able to do most of it on my own. I needed assistance putting the stand on due to its shape as it wouldn’t sit flush with the tv being on the floor. It’s definitely a two person job to lift it and place it on a stand or wall. I found the roller mouse a bit annoying as I’m not used to it so kept having to go back and forth with it. The soundbar doesn’t connect automatically when you switch the tv on which is something again I’m not used to. Overall I like the television I just think it will take some getting used to.

    KeenbeanN, 35–44vArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla The Insiders
  24. Arvosana 5/5

    Blown away by the quality!

    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I was previously using a 40" 1080p TV from another brand and was keen to replace it with something bigger and better as my TV also doubles as my monitor for my PC which I use primarily for gaming. I'm happy to say I could not have made a better choice than this LG TV. The 55" inch is a fantastic size and the 4K quality is so impressive! It feels like when I first got glasses and could see the world clearly in HD for the first time! In addition, the 120Hz refresh rate is fantastic and ideal for gaming. I've been able to enjoy 4K movies as well as increasing the graphics settings across all of my PC games and everything looks incredible now. It was very easy to put together the stand and set the TV up - the stand is great and makes it feel very steady. You could potentially get overwhelmed by all the different settings there are but I would recommend you just focus on tweaking the basic sound / colour / sharpness settings so you can view your content exactly the way you want to. I also watched a couple of really helpful setup videos online which made some good recommendations for settings to improve your viewing experience. This TV has really good sound too which I was pleasantly surprised by. It was really easy to connect to my Wi-Fi and the smart features are great. It's so convenient to have Disney+ / Netflix / Prime Video buttons right there on the remote and it's easy to set up and connect your accounts. There's also a handy Alexa button! I genuinely can't say enough positive things about this TV and we're absolutely made up with it. I can't recommend it highly enough!

    louise258N, 35–44vArvostelu kirjoitettu sivustolla The Insiders