Excellent picture for the money, but HUGEArvosana 4/5
I have beeb using it for a few weeks so far, and couldn't be happier with the inage quality. Sure, it is not as good as a QD-OLED, but still it is really good for the money. Specially if you use it in a brightly lit room. But before buying this, make surfe you have enough space for it. A 43 inch display at a close distance is really freaking huge.
It has very good features. I specially like the remote control. Much better than any menu navigatioin system on the back of any display. The speakers are not ming-blowing, but decent enough that for youtube videos I don't miss having regular desktop speakers. The only feature I wish it had, is more power on PowerDelivery over USB-C. It's PD can deliver only 18W, which is not enough for any laptop. If it had a 60W limit, I could avoid using a dock for my laptop.