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Etusivu / Pelaaminen / Pelikuulokkeet / Tuote 781459



Arvosana 2/5 perustuen 1 arvosteluun2,0
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  • Tuotteen laatu
    Arvosana 1/51,0
  • Äänenlaatu
    Arvosana 4/54,0
  • Käyttömukavuus
    Arvosana 3/53,0
  1. Bad quality, do not recommend

    Arvosana 2/5
    The sound is ok for this price, but the overall quality of the product is not good. After several month of use the mic is already broken and doesn't stay in the up position. The fabric has come unstuck and is peeling off ear cups. The volume control(which is a useless thing by the way) falls into disrepair and sometimes sound disappears on one side. The audo cord is too short. I have Plantronics RIG500 which is 8 years old and it is in a better condition than the new one. By the way it is not Plantronics, it is Anacon. I am very dissappointed with the purchase