My user experience of this otherwise fantastic product is ruined by the inexplicable 'always on' fan. Although it is not by any means loud, it emits a very noticeable, high-pitched, mechanical warbling, and it starts three seconds after the screen turns on regardless of screen settings and usage. There is no way to alter this. Even with my default settings of HDR off and brightness at 30%, it still warbles away. I will say that I'm in a relatively calm environment, but certainly nowhere near silent. What were your design engineers thinking putting such a rubbish, noisy fan in such a premium device? I implore you to release an updated firmware that either adds a proper fan curve algorithm or at the very least sets the defauilt 'idle' rate of the fan to 30 (which elimates the noticeable noise completely, as I have discovered through the hidden settings menu). Please, please, please...