Superb picture. Drop-dead gorgeous blacks and colours, and for the price it is an absolute steal of a bargain. No argument, you will not regret the display.
My only gripe -- as a UI developer -- is with the operating system software. There are certain defaults that should not be a struggle to find.
For instance, some users just want the TV to open onto the channels. Changing the default setting from always opening into the LG home-screen when powering should not require going onto some third-party YouTube video to find a workaround that requires going into a menu option that's two-to-three levels deep. And even then, it only opens to the last option you had, you cannot set it as a permanent setting.
LG, if you need a software expert to advise you on this more, feel free to contact me, because this is a basic thing to sort out, and will only get you plaudits for doing so. This is why I dropped a start for you.