Going from a laptop to a pc this is a great purchase, it very easy to set up and connect. It is very fast and can handle very high graphics. I haven’t found anything yet that can really slow it down significantly. One issue I have with it is, ever now and again, my monitor will sort of freeze, if I try to move my mouse it moves very slowly like it’s lagging, and my headphones produce a weird beeping sound if I try to do anything. My computer is almost a month old so idk if it’s just a new computer adjusting, (I have no idea this is my first real desktop computer), or if it has an issue of some kind. I had only happened a handful of times, and it doesn’t seem to be caused by anything in particular. It only lasts for a minute or two and then I have control again. Its not unbearable because like I said it’s maybe happened like 3-4 times over a month of using it, and I don’t see any performance issues because of it, so I’m more curious what it’s doing more than anything.
With that said I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good middle of the road computer with high performance at a decent price.